Tapping: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Tapping involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a specific issue or emotion. This process helps to balance the body's energy system and release emotional blockages. Tapping is often used to address anxiety, phobias, trauma, and other emotional challenges.
So where are the tapping points? Lets take a look!
Tapping points are located on various parts of the body. Here is a brief description of each tapping point:
Center of the Head: This point is located at the crown of the head, in the center.
Inner Eyebrow: This point is located at the beginning of the eyebrow, near the bridge of the nose.
Outer Eyebrow: This point is located on the bone at the outer corner of the eye.
Under the Eye: This point is located on the bone directly below the center of the eye.
Under the Nose: This point is located between the nose and the upper lip.
Chin: This point is located in the crease between the lower lip and the chin.
Collarbone: This point is located on the collarbone, just below the base of the throat.
Outer Palm: This point is located on the fleshy outer side of the hand, between the base of the pinky finger and the wrist.
Under the Arm: This point is located about 4 inches below the armpit, along the side of the body.
These tapping points are used in EFT to stimulate the body's energy meridians while focusing on specific issues or emotions.
How to Practice Tapping
1. Identify the Issue: Start by identifying the issue or emotion you want to address. This could be stress, anxiety, fear, or any other negative emotion.
2. Rate the Intensity: Rate the intensity of the emotion on a scale of 1 to 10. This will help you track your progress.
3. Setup Statement: Create a setup statement that acknowledges the issue and affirms self-acceptance. For example, "Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself."
4. Tapping Sequence: Tap on each acupressure point while repeating a reminder phrase that describes the issue. The tapping points include the top of the head, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, and under the arm.
5. Check the Intensity: After completing a round of tapping, reassess the intensity of the emotion. Continue tapping until the intensity decreases.
6. Release and Relax: Take a few deep breaths and focus on releasing any remaining tension or negativity.
Tips for Mastering Tapping
Practice Consistently: Make tapping a daily practice to experience long-term benefits.
Be Specific: Focus on specific issues or emotions to address them effectively.
Stay Present: Stay present and focused on the tapping process to maximize its effectiveness.
Seek Guidance: Consider working with a tapping practitioner for personalized guidance and support.